Prayer Request
Please submit your prayer request to the For HIS Glory Ministry using this form. Please include the information shown below. Please be as specific and detailed as you can. Have faith in GOD and believe your prayer, as long as it's in line with His Will. For His Glory is committed to you, to be with you, and to stand with you all the way through. GOD will be glorified in you, so hold on, hope on, let's go on with GOD, and grow into the full measure and stature of GOD in Christ.
All prayer requests will be read and prayed for; but may not be responded to by e-mail due to volume and/or the time to physically answer each. Rest assured, we will pray. Let us know how the matter or need has turned out; we do want to follow up your prayer requests and our prayers joined to yours and see the results. Peace and blessing to you all.
Thank you and GOD bless you.
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